18 - 20 September 2025, Dortmund, Germany

CB Expo

Cannabis Business Expo and Conference

Die Cannabis Business Expo und Konferenz für die Cannabis Industrie – vom Anbau bis zum Vertrieb. Stellen Sie Ihre Firma, Ihre Produkte und Brands sowie Ihre Dienstleistungen mit einem Stand oder als Sponsor vor, oder besuchen Sie die CB Expo als Business Visitor und erweitern Sie Ihre Geschäftskontakte in bester Atmosphäre.


Program - CB Expo Dortmund, 19 – 21 September 2024

CB Expo Dortmund 2024

Thursday, 19th September 2024

10.30 - 10.45
CB Expo Welcome [MAIN STAGE]
Language: German / Simultantranslation: English
Ben Arn, Sabine Loos
10.45 - 11.05
Key note 1: Sectors for Industrial Hemp, Medical, and Recreational Cannabis – Market Insights, History, and Outlook [MAIN STAGE]
"The recent changes in German cannabis legislation will have significant positive effects on the sectors of industrial hemp, medical cannabis, and recreational cannabis." – Daniel Kruse 2024. In his keynote speech, Daniel Kruse will discuss the latest developments in the hemp and cannabis market and present current market data. Furthermore, he will take you on a brief journey through the history of cannabis legalization and explain the pillars of German cannabis law and its potential positive impacts on the areas of industrial hemp, medical cannabis, and recreational cannabis. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Daniel Kruse
11.15 - 12.15
Panel 1: A first review – how did the German Cannabis landscape change in the last six months [MAIN STAGE]
1st April marks a fundamental change for the everything related to cannabis in Germany. With the de-scheduling and de-criminilisation of Cannabis this has been a huge success for activists fighting for decades. But what is the impact six month later? How did patients and consumer benefit? And what’s the impact on the cannabis industry – no matter if its medical, consumer or hemp. It’s time for a first review. Language: German / Simultantranslation: English
Benedikt Sons, Daniel Kruse, Dirk Heitepriem [Moderator], Georg Wurth, Olivia Ewenike, Sven-Roger von Schilling
12.30 - 13.30
Panel 2: Model Projects – Are They the Path to Pan-European Legalization? [MAIN STAGE]
This panel will explore the current state of cannabis trials in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany. Experts will discuss the motivations behind these trials, their objectives, and public health and safety measures. They will also address legal and regulatory adjustments, economic impacts, and social implications. Key topics include Switzerland’s pilot projects, the Netherlands’ "weed experiment," and Germany’s preparations for recreational cannabis. Join us for an in-depth analysis of how these trials are influencing cannabis policy in Europe. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Adele Hollmann, Alfredo Pascual [Moderator], Luca Cereghetti, Peter Homberg, Simone van Breda, Timo Bongartz
12.45 - 13.00
Opening Address [INCBA STAGE]
After 2022 in Zurich, the International Cannabis Bar Association Europe (INCBA Europe), in cooperation with CB Expo, will again organize a conference on European cannabis law in September 2024 in Dortmund. Up to 20 top lawyers in this field from all over Europe are expected to present and discuss the latest developments. Due to the regulatory environment, entire markets have collapsed, but new opportunities and possibilities are also emerging in a liberalizing environment in Europe. The conference will deliberate these opportunities and challenges from a legal perspective. The target audience is not only other lawyers, but also sophisticated business professionals in the Cannabis industry, who can use the presentations as a resource for their own work. Language: English
Daniel Haymann, Kai-Friedrich Niermann, Marie Sanchez, Robert Jappie
12.45 - 13.45
The Growing Sessions - Session 1: Unveiling the Future: Breakthroughs in Cannabis Genetics [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Explore groundbreaking advancements in understanding and manipulating cannabis genetics. Topics will include the development of novel cultivatars with targeted cannabinoid and terpene profiles, the role of genetic research in enhancing yield and resistance to pests and diseases and the search for F1 hybrid genetics. Language: English
Atiyyah Ferouz, Dara Kearney, Gavin George, Max Majot, Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator]
13.00 - 14.00
Track 1: Single Convention vs. Free Markets and Free Movements of Goods – which regime will prevail when it comes to medical cannabis distribution in the EU and globally? [INCBA STAGE]
In November 2023, the German government decided to lift all restrictions on the cultivation of medicinal cannabis in Germany. Since April 1 the three already licensed growers of medical cannabis in Germany will be able to produce cannabis without quantity and product restrictions, as well as any other company that can grow cannabis to pharmaceutical standards. The panel will discuss what consequences this decision will have for the national and international markets, as Cannabis has a special status as an international commodity. Different legal regimes like the Single Convention from 1961 and resulting import bans for medical cannabis, the fundamental freedoms of the EU, and numerous domestic regulations are causing a mess and make it impossible to give clear and comprehensible guidance to the industry. The panel will discuss the state of affairs and future developments for medical cannabis in the EU and globally. Language: English
Andrés Lopez, Constantin von der Groeben, Jason Moscovici, Kai-Friedrich Niermann [Moderator], Robert Hoban
13.45 - 14.05
Key note 2: Exploring Germany‘s Cannabis Industry - Insights, Opportunities and Success Strategies [MAIN STAGE]
In this Keynote, Jürgen Bickel will review key milestones in the global cannabis industry, highlighting important lessons learned from various markets. He will then focus on the specific context of cannabis legalization in Germany, providing an outlook on future developments and opportunities. The session will also outline effective strategies for business success in the German market, offering insights into navigating the evolving landscape and capitalizing on emerging trends. Language: German/ Simultantranslation: English
Jürgen Bickel
14.15 - 15.15
The Growing Sessions - Session 2: Cutting-Edge Advances in Cannabis Cultivation Research [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Leaders in cannabis research will delve into the latest developments in cultivation research. You can expect a comprehensive overview of advancements that are shaping the future of cannabis cultivation. Language: English
Céline Nicole-deGroot, Christian Büser, Dominique van Gruisen, Kjell Sneeuw, Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator]
14.30 - 15.30
Panel 3: The Tension Field of Cannabis Clubs: Expectations, Challenges, Solutions [MAIN STAGE]
Cannabis clubs, particularly their boards, face a multitude of expectations. The public, authorities, and not least their own members, place high demands on them. How can these tasks be understood and addressed? Speakers from science, law, cannabis club businesses, and club founders provide insights. Language: German / Simultantranslation: English
Henry Wieker [Moderator], Jörg Meyer-Brenken, Lorenz Minks, Marcus Geschwandtner, Stefan Röhrl, Stefanie Arndt
14.30 - 15.30
Track 2: All over the place: The journey to GMP compliance [INCBA STAGE]
Join us for an in-depth discussion on the legal nature of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards and the intricacies and complexities of achieving this coveted certification. We are honored to feature the President of the Association of the Swiss Cannabis Industry (IG Hanf), who also serves as a consultant to cannabis companies navigating the rigorous GMP certification process through his role as co-founder of a successful start-up. Our distinguished panel includes representatives from a company that recently achieved GMP certification in a record time of less than 1.5 years, offering valuable insights into their successful journey and practical advice on the do's and don'ts of the process. Additionally, we will hear from the market leader in the medical cannabis sector in Switzerland, sharing extensive experience and best practices in operating under GMP conditions. We are also joined by an expert from the United States who will provide a perspective on the evolving quality standards for cannabis in North America, covering both medical and non-medical sectors. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from industry leaders on the challenges, successes, and future trends in GMP compliance. Language: English
Daniel Gelemanovic, Daniel Haymann [Moderator], Jana Weltzin, Peter Homberg, Peter Steger, Timo Bongartz
15.45 - 16.05
Key note 3: The Potential of Cannabis: Stuck in between Subculture and Mainstream [MAIN STAGE]
The challenges surrounding cannabis are manifold: from the lack of EU-wide harmonization and fragmented cross-border regulations, to the sluggish development of category-specific identity standards, and category bending to ensure the marketability of individual product groups. This also involves seeking answers to the challenges of specific categories and their corresponding regulations. How can individual commodities and consumer goods be commercialized to tap into the full economic potential of cannabis? Which cannabis products are stuck between subculture, niche, and mainstream markets? What role does harmonization towards existing categories play, even under facilitated conditions similar to those in France or the UK? What is the smallest common denominator that allows cannabis, in all its diversity, to rise from a niche topic to a significant economic factor for Europe? Language: German / Simultantranslation: English
Lisa Katharina Haag
15.45 - 16.45
The Growing Sessions - Session 3: Innovative Design Concepts for Cultivation Club Facilities [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Discussing creative approaches to designing cannabis cultivation spaces within social club environments. Focus on integrating efficient cultivation systems with inviting and functional growing spaces, addressing regulatory challenges unique to social club settings, that promotes successful cultivation practices. Language: English
Franz Josef Sima, Marc Montandon, Martijn Vernnoij, Mikhail Sagal, Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator]
16.00 - 17.00
Track 3: Medical Cannabis in Ukraine and Israel – two keynotes from two special jurisdictions [INCBA STAGE]
Medical cannabis has been established in Israel for decades. The research for medical cannabis in Israel is even older, and world-leading. Cannabis is used in a variety of medical applications, including in nursing homes and the military. The legal framework for medical cannabis in Ukraine will be liberalized in the summer of 2024. What the market will look like and how it will develop is still difficult to predict at present. In this panel, we will hear two keynote speeches by Hannah Hlushchenko and Adi Rozenfeld about the history of medical cannabis in both countries, the current legal status, the next developments, and what Ukraine can learn from Israel in the further process of establishing medical cannabis. Followed by a discussion. Language: English
Adi Rozenfeld, Borys Danevych [Moderator], Hanna Hlushchenko
16.30 - 17.30
Panel 4: Germany's Cannabis Regulation: of shattered Dreams, Real Opportunity and Revised Plans [MAIN STAGE]
Germany's cannabis regulation is at the center of intense debates. Critics are voicing their discontent loudly, while proponents suffer from the slow progress. Although the original goal of specialized shops has not been realized and some earlier hopes for quick changes have been dashed, real opportunities for a legal and regulated cannabis market are still emerging. However, the path forward requires adjustments and new strategies to successfully implement the revised plans. Experts from the field are discussing on this panel, how the situation is playing out in reality and everyday cannabusiness life. Language: German / Simultantranslation: English
Leon J. Braun, Lisa Katharina Haag [Moderator], Niels Lutzhöft, Nikita Cretu, Thomas Hauk, Vanessa Kulik

Friday, 20th September 2024

10.30 - 10.50
Key note 4: The Current State of the US Cannabis Market [MAIN STAGE]
2024 could be the turning point for cannabis reform in the United States. As a leader on all aspects of cannabis reform, David Culver will speak about the US Presidential race, the impacts of the rescheduling of cannabis, reform efforts on Capitol Hill, and state level initiatives. Culver will focus on the impacts of these changes both at home and abroad. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
David A. Culver
10.30 - 11.30
The Growing Sessions - Session 4: High-Tech Horticulture: Advancements in Cannabis Cultivation Technology [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Discussing the latest technological innovations transforming cannabis cultivation. Topics will include the integration of AI and automation in cultivation processes, advancements in lighting technologies such as LEDs and more. Language: English
Ben Niehaus, Rob Perry, Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator], Torsten Schober
10.30 - 11.30
Track 4: Marketing and Advertising in the Cannabis Sector [INCBA STAGE]
Marketing and Advertising in the North American cannabis industry is well established. As the European market grows, both in medical and adult-use/recreational sectors, this panel will consider what lessons can be learned from the US & Canada, what marketing endeavours have already been successful in Europe, and what are the risks involved in engaging in aggressive promotional activities. Jon Robson will speak on the challenges of implementing a controversial but effective marketing strategy on behalf of Mamedica in the UK. Josh Normanton will provide legal expertise, advising on the risk of regulatory intervention in respect of marketing activities. Language: English
Aleksandra Vujinović, Jon Robson, Josh Normanton, Nick Kenny, Robert Jappie [Moderator]
11.00 - 12.00
Panel 5: Social and Cultural Contrasts between North America and Europe [MAIN STAGE]
Join this panel to explore the cultural and social contrasts between Europe and North America and how they directly and indirectly impact the marketing, sales and market entry processes for cannabis companies globally. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
David A. Culver, Farida Hussain [Moderator], Jillian Reddish, Kate Holste, Michael Sassano, Michael Steinmetz
11.45 - 12.45
The Post Harvest Session - Session 1: Cannabis 2.0: Innovations in European Cannabis Extraction [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
This panel will explore the cannabis extraction landscape across medical, wellness, and recreational markets in Europe. Experts will discuss demand trends among patients, consumers and doctors for extract-based products such as oils, capsules, and vapes compared to flower, and the impact of regulatory frameworks on the availability of these products. Attendees will gain unique insight into advancements in extraction techniques, R&D and product formulations, quality assurance, and what to look for when searching for an extraction partner or equipment provider. Language: English
Alexander Rieg, Alisia Ratliff, Lily Temperton [Moderator], Rui Soares
12.00 - 13.00
Track 5: Semi-Synthetical Cannabinoids – where to go from here? [INCBA STAGE]
Over the past few years, many new psychoactive substances have emerged on the global and European markets. Among those substances, many are semi-synthetic cannabinoids such as HHC, THCP, H4-CBD. While most European countries are taking a prohibitive approach by classifying any new psychoactive substance as a narcotic substance, Czech Republic seems to be taking a less restrictive route with the Act on Psychomodulatory Substances that is expected to enter into application in 2025. This panel will discuss the current status of semi-synthetic cannabinoids, the effects and consequences of the prohibitive approach on the European market and explore different paths that could lead to a safer market for both consumers and business operators. Language: English
Amber Lengacher, Kai-Friedrich Niermann, Marie Sanchez [Moderator], Vojtěch Sucharda
12.15 - 12.45
Key note 5: From Weed to Seed with Future Potential: The Role of Hemp in Climate and Social Justice [MAIN STAGE]
Drawing on research from my book "H is for HEMP" (published in March 2022) and my ongoing research on the global hemp industry, this keynote will highlight the urgent need to reframe cannabis and hemp within a context of regulated, sustainable use. By harnessing the full potential of hemp, we can pave the way for climate-resilient development and social justice, transforming "weed" into a seed of hope for the future. The keynote will focus on ecological building and rebuilding in Morocco and Ukraine. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Maren Krings
13.00 - 14.00
Panel 6: Emerging Voices in Cannabis: Recent Entrants, their Motivations and Focus Areas [MAIN STAGE]
Explore the dynamic and evolving landscape of the cannabis industry as we spotlight the newest voices making waves in this space. This panel will delve into the motivations driving recent entrants — from alcohol, to tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. Attendees will gain insights into who these newcomers are, the unique perspectives and expertise they bring to the cannabis industry, and how they are shaping the future of cannabis through innovation, disruption, and a commitment to safety and responsibility. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Chris Murray, Deepak Anand [Moderator], Nick Kenny, Omar Khan, William Muecke
13.00 - 14.00
The Medical Sessions - Session 1: Medical cannabis cultivation in Germany: domestic home cultivation or imports - which is the better option? [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Existing cannabis growers in Germany have recently extended their licenses to be able to grow even more cannabis domestically. Is growing in Germany a good strategy economically or could importing make more sense? *How does this affect the quality differences of the products? In this panel, we compare growing medical cannabis domestically for the German market with importing it from other countries around the world. Language: English
Bijan Christoph Hezarkhani [Moderator], Marcel Riggs, Philipp Goebel, Šárka Betke, Sascha Mielcarek, Thomas Ahlberg
13.30 - 14.30
Track 6: New Developments in North America: Updates on Canada and the US [INCBA STAGE]
In the past two years, updates touching cannabis legalization in North America have sparked many conversations between cannabis professionals in North America. Canada has just completed its mandated review of the Cannabis Act, the piece of legislation at the center of legalization in Canada, and the resulting report has raised many eyebrows. On the US side, discussions surrounding rescheduling have renewed an interest in cannabis-derived therapeutic products and their development. It is therefore an exciting time to take another look at the status of cannabis in the US and Canada and to study how things have been evolving. What were the conclusions of Canada’s legislative review? In the US, what new regulatory hurdles will stakeholders have to face on both local and international markets? How has the regulatory framework for cannabis changed in North America and what foreseeable updates are coming down the pipeline? Join us for a presentation of the updates and challenges that have emerged in North America and how they are being addressed by industry and legal professionals alike. This session is for anyone looking to understand for an update of the framework for regulated cannabis in the US and Canada, as well as anyone looking to discuss the commercial opportunities that these legal changes provide. Language: English
Jana Weltzin, Jason Moscovici [Moderator], Shane Pennington
14.15 - 14.45
Key note 6: Grass Is Greener: The Cannabis market’s evolution, challenges, and state of play [MAIN STAGE]
As the global cannabis industry navigates volatility to reach a state of pragmatic optimism, conscious of false dawns and corporate underperformance but encouraged by increasing normalisation and the international spread of legalisation, this keynote will assess the current state and future prospects for the world cannabis market. Leveraging proprietary data and proven thought leadership to surface the key consumer and industry trends and international size of opportunity, the session will be indispensable in plotting a path for an industry moving from niche taboo into the mainstream. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Spiros Malandrakis
14.15 - 15.15
The Medical Sessions - Session 2: Market authorised cannabis-based medicines: pipe dream or not too distant reality? [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
The number of market authorised cannabis-based medicines continues to remain low compared to the number of products available in the market, a number that seems to be increasing almost daily. How important is it to see more market authorised medicines? In this panel we discuss the need, or lack thereof, for market authorized cannabis-based medicines and their impact. Language: English
Andrés Lopez, Bijan Christoph Hezarkhani [Moderator], Bill Purves, Ilias Manolopoulos, Nadine Herwig, Nicole Besse
15.00 - 16.00
Panel 7: Emerging Trends in Cannabis: Next-Generation Products and Methods [MAIN STAGE]
This panel will explore the latest innovations in product formats and delivery methods within the cannabis sector. As medical cannabis evolves across Europe, there's a noticeable shift from traditional flower products to extracts. However, identifying the right devices and delivery methods remains challenging. In the realm of consumer wellness, there's a growing interest in new ways to consume CBD. This panel will discuss the regulatory and market implications of developing and launching these innovative products, offering insights into the future of cannabis consumption. Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Aron Byrne-Carter, Georgia Glick [Moderator], Hari Guliani, Jürgen Bickel, Tim Matthews
15.00 - 16.15
Track 7: International Panel – Legal challenges in dynamic cannabis jurisdictions [INCBA STAGE]
This panel will shed light on the most pressing legal challenges in a wide variety of jurisdictions, including Panama, Colombia, Spain, Italy and Germany. Panama is on the verge of introducing a comprehensive medical cannabis program, Colombia is still fighting legacy related stigmatization, Spain’s cannabis framework is confusing and legislators are dragging their feet on a medical cannabis legalization. Italy stuns the world with expanding restrictions and a near irrational vendetta on CBD products, and Germany is emerging as a bright, innovative star in the European cannabis markets. Our speakers will explore the main challenges in their jurisdictions, followed by an engaging conversation. Language: English
Giacomo Bulleri, Guillermo Fernández Navarro, Ohad Kiperstok [Moderator], Ricardo Omar Almanza, Susanne Pech
15.30 - 16.30
The Medical Sessions - Session 3: Medical Cannabis Flowers: here to stay or too risky for most physicians? [DEEP DIVE STAGE]
Private prescriptions of cannabis flower have seen a sharp increase in Germany since April 1st, how long will this trend continue? What effect will the recent amendments by the G-BA have on this trend? Is it really easier to get a prescription or is there more pressure on physicians? In this panel we take a closer look at the current state of market and where things might be headed. Language: German
Armin Prasch, Bijan Christoph Hezarkhani [Moderator], Carsten Elfering, Thorsten Tuschy
16.15 - 17.15
Panel 8: Wrap up of the INCBA Europe and CB Expo [MAIN STAGE]
For two days, the CB Expo's three stages—the Main Stage, the Deep Dive Stage, and the INCBA Stage—hosted presentations, discussions, and commentary on the current issues affecting the cannabis industry. At the end, selected speakers from all three stages will come together for the final panel. Where do we stand, and where do we want to go to build a sustainable European cannabis industry? Language: English / Simultantranslation: German
Adi Rozenfeld, Alfredo Pascual, Daniel Haymann [Moderator], Farida Hussain, Hanna Hlushchenko
Ben Arn
Ben Arn
CEO of CB Company
Ben has been the organizer of Cannabis Events in Switzerland since 2006. His projects are the CannaTrade - International Hemp Fair + Festival (B2C and B2B), the CB Expo - Cannabis Business Expo and Conference (B2B) and the CB Club - Cannabis Business Network event (B2B). In 2022 he also organized the Cannabinoid Conference 2022 (12th IACM Conference and 1st SSCM Conference) in Basel. His passion is organizing events and connection people, and for sure too: The cannabis plant and his enormous potential.
Sabine Loos
Sabine Loos
Chief Executive at Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe
Sabine Loos has been Chief Executive Officer of the Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH since 2011. She manages the business of the group of companies (Messe Dortmund, Kongress Dortmund and Westfalenhalle) with around 60 trade fair dates each year, 1,100 congress events and 144 events in the Westfalenhalle.
Daniel Kruse
Daniel Kruse
CEO of Synbiotic SE, President of EIHA
Daniel Kruse – a German hemp pioneer with around 30 years of experience in the hemp and cannabis sector and a successful founder of several companies. As CEO of SYNBIOTIC SE, a leading European hemp and cannabis group, and President of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), Kruse is a key advocate for the destigmatization of hemp.
Benedikt Sons
Benedikt Sons
Co-Founder & CEO of Cansativa Group
Benedikt is a pioneer in building new businesses and in taking them to scale. Since founding in 2017, Cansativa has become the leading platform for cannabis in Germany: As such Cansativa developed into the leading “One-Stop Shop” with a unique and the most comprehensive multi-brand portfolio in the German market.
Dirk Heitepriem [Moderator]
Dirk Heitepriem [Moderator]
President of BvCW, Vice President External Affairs at Aurora Europe GmbH
Dirk is representing the German cannabis industry as the president of the Cannabis Industry Association and is currently VP External Affairs of Aurora Europe. He is working in the Cannabis sector since 2018 with 20 years of experience in government relations in Europe.
Georg Wurth
Georg Wurth
CEO of German Cannabis Association (DHV)
Georg is leading europes biggest legalize ngo since more than 20 years. He is an outstandig expert in german and international cannabis politics.
Olivia Ewenike
Olivia Ewenike
Attorney at Law at Ewenike Law Firm, Founding Partner of Lito Law Academy GmbH
Olivia Ewenike is an attorney specializing in cannabis law, dedicated to helping companies establish themselves in the German cannabis market. As a Cannabis Business Development Advisor, she provides comprehensive consulting services for businesses in this sector. Olivia is also the Founding Partner of Lito Law Academy GmbH, where she teaches about the establishment and operation of cannabis clubs.
Sven-Roger von Schilling
Sven-Roger von Schilling
CFO of Grünhorn, Managing Director of the Schurer Pharma & Kosmetik GmbH
Sven-Roger von Schilling has over 20 years of international leadership in healthcare, renewables, and IT services. As a seasoned company builder and CFO, he excels in scaling companies and positioning them for sustainable growth. He has successfully IPO-ed three companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and advised on numerous IPO and SPAC projects. He holds an MBA from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management.
Adele Hollmann
Adele Hollmann
Business Development & Education Manager - Adult-Use, Sanity Group GmbH - Grashaus Projects
Adele Hollmann is Business Development & Education Manager - Adult-Use at the Sanity Group and a certified cannabis sommelier. Together with the "Grashaus Projects" team, she initiated a Swiss pilot project for recreational cannabis and opened the first legal dispensary in Europe. Her responsibilities include the application process, budtender training and quality management. She previously studied agricultural and horticultural sciences and specialized in cannabis.
Alfredo Pascual [Moderator]
Alfredo Pascual [Moderator]
Director of Investment Research at Seed Innovations Ltd (LON:SEED)
Based in Germany, Alfredo Pascual, CFA, is Director of Investment Research at SEED Innovations, a London’s AIM-quoted company known for its investments and successful exits in the European medical cannabis space. As a highly specialized cannabis industry analyst, Alfredo has established himself as a trusted authority in the field. Before joining SEED, he worked as international analyst for MJBizDaily, a leading business news and analysis resource for the cannabis industry.
Luca Cereghetti
Luca Cereghetti
COO of Pure Holding AG
Luca Cereghetti is the Chief Operating Officer of Pure Holding AG. He began working at the company in 2020 as an intern between his bachelor's degree in Business Administration and his master's degree in Accounting & Finance. After a rapid rise within the company over the past few years, he now serves as COO, overseeing the company's operations and strategic initiatives.
Peter Homberg
Peter Homberg
Partner & Head of European Cannabis Group Dentons Europe (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG
Peter Homberg focuses on life sciences, IP, corporate law and M&A transactions in the life sciences and high-tech sector as well as in R&D and cooperation agreements. He has extensive experience providing legal advice on compliance issues and is the head of the European Cannabis sector group.
Simone van Breda
Simone van Breda
Chairman at Bond van cannabis detaillisten (Union coffeeshop retailers)
Simone is the chairman of the Union of coffeeshop retailers in the Netherlands, working at the national and international level to advance regulation of cannabis and to professionalize the emerging industry. She is one of the key figures who advocates on the legalization on a European level.
Timo Bongartz
Timo Bongartz
CEO at Cannavigia
Timo is an experienced business innovator with over 15 years of experience in digital, horticulture, and cannabis industries. As the CEO at Cannavigia, he promotes sustainable growth through software and consulting solutions. With an MBA from the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and a focus on sustainability, Timo is shaping the future of these sectors.
Daniel Haymann
Daniel Haymann
Legal Counsel at MME Legal | Tax | Compliance
Daniel Haymann specializes in corporate and commercial law, focusing on investments, venture capital, financing, and regulatory issues in healthcare and consumer goods. He advises on THC, CBD, GMP, GDP, and food regulations. Co-founder and co-chair of INCBA Europe, he leverages his Swiss-Israeli dual citizenship and prior experience as a commodity trader to serve clients globally.
Kai-Friedrich Niermann
Kai-Friedrich Niermann
Cannabis Attorney at KFN+ Law Office
Kai is a cannabis industry expert with extensive practice in cannabis and business law. He provides comprehensive legal support, from contract drafting and company formation to day-to-day legal matters, including white-collar criminal law. Author of the blog canna-biz.legal, Kai offers insights into the legal status and developments of cannabis in Germany and Europe. He advises large CBD and medical cannabis companies and associations, including the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA). Kai speaks at international cannabis conferences and publishes in law journals. He holds a law degree from the Universities of Marburg, Adelaide, and Cologne.
Marie Sanchez
Marie Sanchez
Lawyer & Founder Nooa Avocats
Marie Sanchez is a lawyer at the Bars of Paris and Quebec. After starting her career in Singapore with a large pharmaceutical group, she worked for nearly 10 years in international law firms before founding NOOA Avocats. She specializes in life sciences regulation, therapeutic cannabis, and well-being hemp. Marie regularly participates in training and conferences globally. She holds a Master II in Health Industry Law from the University of Montpellier I and an ESSEC-Mannheim Executive MBA.
Robert Jappie
Robert Jappie
Partner at Fieldfisher LLP
I am a Partner in Fieldfisher’s Regulatory Group. I specialise in Life Sciences Regulation for the UK and Europe, providing advice and representation to a range of nascent industries in the Life Sciences sector. I have a particular focus on Cannabis Regulation, Food/Agri-Tech and Healthcare.
Atiyyah Ferouz
Atiyyah Ferouz
CEO of AgCann Consultancy Ltd.
Atiyyah is the founder of AgCann Consultancy, an international consulting firm engaged in operations, quality assurance, and tissue culture services. She is also the Executive Director of the International Cannabis Quality Standards Association, a not-for-profit dedicated to the development of industry best practices and policy advisement
Dara Kearney
Dara Kearney
Expert in cultivation at Barney's Farm
Dara, a seasoned cultivator formerly with Devils Harvest Seeds, has now brought his expertise to Barney’s Farm Seed Company. Renowned for his innovative techniques and deep understanding of cannabis genetics, Dara continues to push the boundaries of cannabis cultivation, ensuring the highest quality and potency in every strain.
Gavin George
Gavin George
CEO of Puregene
Dr. Gavin George, CEO of Puregene AG, where genomics technologies are applied to cannabis and hemp for stability, performance, and yield. After his postdoctoral research at ETH Zurich, 14 publications and contributions to 3 books, he is aiming to expand the potential of hemp in agriculture.
Max Majot
Max Majot
Technical Manager & Grow Expert at Royal Queen Seeds
Cannabis cultivation expert, who excels in project and infrastructure development. His mastery of grow techniques and site management ensures Royal Queen Seeds (RQS) consistently delivers high-quality, elite products across all markets.
Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator]
Sonny Moerenhout [Moderator]
Managing Partner at Cultivators
Since 2019, Sonny, a founder of Cultivators, has applied his expertise to the growth of licensed cannabis and hydroponic lettuce businesses. With a background in plant science from Wageningen University and extensive experience in cultivation, consulting, and research, Sonny emphasizes collaboration across pharmaceutical, horticultural, and hobby sectors. Cultivators focuses on innovation, sustainability, and tailored solutions, committed to elevating your business in this dynamic field as a partner in growth.
Andrés Lopez
Andrés Lopez
International Regulatory Affairs Manager at Avextr Pharma GmbH
Andrés is co-author of cannabis regulation and was Director of the Colombian Narcotics Authority. He is a chemist by profession and experienced in Drug Policy, being recently candidate for the International Narcotics Control Board. Andres currently holds the position of Director International Regulatory Affairs for Avextra Pharma.
Constantin von der Groeben
Constantin von der Groeben
Co-Founder & Managing Director of Demecan
After studying law, Dr. Constantin von der Groeben worked as a lawyer in Berlin and New York, and later at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. With the 2017 "Cannabis as Medicine Act," he co-founded DEMECAN with Dr. Cornelius Maurer and Dr. Adrian Fischer. DEMECAN is the only independent German producer of medical cannabis for BfArM. As managing director, von der Groeben oversees legal, regulatory affairs, strategic projects, communications, and HR. DEMECAN aims to provide high-quality medical cannabis in Germany. The company plans to expand into the consumer market, potentially growing from 70 to 250 employees and contributing to regional economic strength.
Jason Moscovici
Jason Moscovici
Founder & President of Provisions Legal Services Inc.
Jason Moscovici is a lawyer, biochemist, and founder of Provisions Legal Services, a Canadian firm specializing in regulated industries. He focuses on intellectual property and regulatory compliance in cannabis, pharmaceuticals, and related sectors. Jason is a trusted legal advisor in the international cannabis industry.
Kai-Friedrich Niermann [Moderator]
Kai-Friedrich Niermann [Moderator]
Cannabis Attorney at KFN+ Law Office
Kai is a cannabis industry expert with extensive practice in cannabis and business law. He provides comprehensive legal support, from contract drafting and company formation to day-to-day legal matters, including white-collar criminal law. Author of the blog canna-biz.legal, Kai offers insights into the legal status and developments of cannabis in Germany and Europe. He advises large CBD and medical cannabis companies and associations, including the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA). Kai speaks at international cannabis conferences and publishes in law journals. He holds a law degree from the Universities of Marburg, Adelaide, and Cologne.
Robert Hoban
Robert Hoban
Strategic Advisor at Cannabis Industry Group Clark Hill PLC
Bob Hoban, a pioneer in the cannabis industry since 2008, founded Hoban Law Group (HLG), the first full-service cannabis law firm. HLG operates in 17 states and 10 countries with over 50 specialized attorneys. Bob has shaped cannabis law globally, advised numerous governments, and is a sought-after speaker and media expert. Recognized as a "Cannabis Law Trailblazer," he has been influential in establishing and growing the cannabis and CBD industries.
Jürgen Bickel
Jürgen Bickel
Co-Founder & Managing Director of Storz & Bickel GmbH
Jürgen Bickel is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of STORZ & BICKEL GmbH, a renowned manufacturer of premium, medically certified vaporizers. With over 24 years in the industry, STORZ & BICKEL is a pioneer and global leader, reflecting the visionary thinking of its founders. Bickel is a top entrepreneur in the European cannabis industry.
Céline Nicole-deGroot
Céline Nicole-deGroot
Senior Researcher at Philips LED Horticulture solutions
Dr. Céline C.S. Nicole-de Groot, a senior researcher at Philips since 2001, specializes in physics, plant sciences, chemistry, and sensing technology. With 15 years of expertise in LED lighting for horticulture, she focuses on improving yield and quality in medicinal cannabis. She leads indoor farming research in the Netherlands and supervises university students at Wageningen University & Research.
Christian Büser
Christian Büser
PhD Candidate at the Institute of Crop Science, University of Hohenheim
I finished my Masters degree in Agricultural Sciences in February 2023 and started my PhD in October 2023. The research focuses on the cultivation of medicinal Cannabis in indoor and outdoor cultivation systems using subsurface drip irrigation systems and nanoparticles.
Dominique van Gruisen
Dominique van Gruisen
CEO of Innexo BV
With over 15 years of experience in the cannabis industry and biotech, Mr. van Gruisen leads Innexo, a contract research testing station for medical cannabis propagation, cultivation and post-harvest processing.
Kjell Sneeuw
Kjell Sneeuw
Cultivation specialist at Cultivators
Kjell Sneeuw is dedicated to discovering innovative methods of cultivating high-quality medicinal cannabis. Through his studies at Wageningen University and work as Project Manager Cultivation for Compounds he translates and applies cultivation research into practical standards.
Henry Wieker [Moderator]
Henry Wieker [Moderator]
Coordinator at BCAv
Henry is the founder and managing director of HHH Hemp Harvesting Technology, a cannabis flower harvesting equipment manufacturer. He chairs the Cannabis Social Club Hannover, Cannabis Cultivation Community Hannover 1, and NICA. He also coordinates the Federal Association of Cannabis Cultivation Associations (BCAv). With extensive global cannabis industry experience, Henry is dedicated to international cannabis initiatives networking.
Jörg Meyer-Brenken
Jörg Meyer-Brenken
Head of Sales at Cannavigia
Jörg is a lighting engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) with nearly 20 years of experience at OSRAM and Fluence. He has extensive international project experience, delivering innovative lighting solutions across sectors. For the past 8 years, he has specialized in horticultural lighting, particularly cannabis cultivation, enhancing plant growth and optimizing yields. He now drives and coordinates global sales at Vigia.
Lorenz Minks
Lorenz Minks
Chief Product Owner of 420cloud, Blogger at Research Garden
Lorenz has covered the German and Swiss cannabis scene as a blogger since 2017. With a background in business informatics and horticultural sciences, he advises cannabis companies on facility planning, financing, quality assurance, and branding. As Product Owner of 420cloud, he designs software solutions for cannabis clubs.
Marcus Geschwandtner
Marcus Geschwandtner
Managing Partner at growUp!consulting, Attorney & Partner at Dr. Fandrich Rechtsanwälte, Bonn
growUp!consulting specializes in health care and management, including consumer and medicinal cannabis, and industrial hemp (www.growupconsulting.de). For legal advice, they closely cooperate with Dr. Fandrich Rechtsanwälte (www.fandrich-rae.de). Dr. Marcus Geschwandtner is sought for strategic concepts and corporate, cooperative, and supervisory law. He is co-editor and author of the upcoming "Cannabis Law (KCanG, MedCanG)" commentary, published by C.H.Beck-Verlag.
Stefan Röhrl
Stefan Röhrl
CEO & Co-Founder of Hemp Group Int. GmbH, CSO & Co-Founder of Luxora
Stefan is a key leader in the European cannabis market with 15 years of senior management experience. He owns Cannabis clubs in Spain and businesses in Germany, providing him with a deep understanding of the industry. His strong connections in product development and cultivation are valuable. This background makes him skilled at navigating the complex cannabis market and finding new growth opportunities.
Stefanie Arndt
Stefanie Arndt
CEO of Starnabis GmbH
I was the first female Cannabis Social Club founder of 2023 in Germany, I am the managing director of Starnabis GmbH, I have been a recreational user for almost 20 years and a patient for chronic back pain for almost 2 years. I am a living example of how you can stand firmly on your feet with and through cannabis. I work a lot on brain health, physical fitness and the influence of the quality of our thoughts on our health.
Daniel Gelemanovic
Daniel Gelemanovic
CEO, Co-Founder & Jurist MLaw at swisscann tec AG
swisscann Tec, based in Technopark Zurich with a production facility in Glattfelden, is a Swiss cannabis company founded in 2017. We produce and distribute medicinal cannabis products containing THC, focusing on the B2B market in Switzerland and the EU. Our clients include pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and patients. We hold a Swiss government license for cultivating high-THC medical cannabis.
Daniel Haymann [Moderator]
Daniel Haymann [Moderator]
Legal Counsel at MME Legal | Tax | Compliance
Daniel Haymann specializes in corporate and commercial law, focusing on investments, venture capital, financing, and regulatory issues in healthcare and consumer goods. He advises on THC, CBD, GMP, GDP, and food regulations. Co-founder and co-chair of INCBA Europe, he leverages his Swiss-Israeli dual citizenship and prior experience as a commodity trader to serve clients globally.
Jana Weltzin
Jana Weltzin
Attorney at JDW, LLC
Jana D. Weltzin, owner of JDW Counsel in Anchorage, Alaska, represents over 250 small to mid-size companies in Alaska and Arizona. Licensed in both states, she specializes in corporate law, start-ups, compliance, land use, and marijuana law. Jana co-chairs the Alaska Governor’s Advisory Task Force on marijuana policy and serves on the board of the International Cannabis Bar Association. Recognized as a 2017 Marijuana Venture Rising Star, she continues to expand her firm through strategic alliances and political relationships. Jana obtained her J.D. from Arizona State University, specializing in Federal Indian Law.
Peter Steger
Peter Steger
CEO & Owner of Spagyrik Produktions AG/ Heidak AG, President of IG
Peter Steger is a lawyer and entrepreneur, managing director, and co-owner of Spagyrik Produktions AG, a GMP-compliant pharmaceutical manufacturing company producing herbal medicines, including THC and CBD cannabis tinctures and oils. The company holds all necessary licenses. Peter is also co-owner of HEIDAK AG and its German subsidiary HEIDAK GmbH, which distribute natural medicines, care products, packaging material, and other products.
Lisa Katharina Haag
Lisa Katharina Haag
Managing Partner at MJ Universe GmbH, Publisher at krautinvest.de
Lisa Haag, an entrepreneur in the German cannabis industry, founded MJ Universe GmbH in Berlin in 2018 as a digital strategy and consulting agency. She advocates especially for the medical use of cannabis, its normalization into the mainstream, and for social justice reform. Haag is active on the board of BvCW e.V. and in the leadership team of the EmpowHer Cannabis Society.
Franz Josef Sima
Franz Josef Sima
Horticulture Service Specialist at Fluence
Franz is the 4th generation of a nursery family operating greenhouses since 1890 in southern Austria. Raised in the greenhouses, he developed a natural passion for cannabis in his teenage years. Motivated by the medical benefits and alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals, Franz transitioned from Austria’s “grey market” to the medical cannabis industry. His experience with thousands of plants in his own clone production provides a stable base for his clients, ensuring efficient production start-ups or improvements in existing operations.
Marc Montandon
Marc Montandon
Founder & Owner of CarbonActive Products AG
Marc Montandon is regarded as a pioneer in the field of filtration and climate technology for cannabis indoor facilities and has been active in this industry for over 20 years. As the founder and CEO of CarbonActive, he is considered one of the market leaders and trailblazers with groundbreaking approaches. The primary focus of his innovations is on achieving the best possible energy efficiency while keeping the plant at the center.
Martijn Vernnoij
Martijn Vernnoij
Technical Sales Consultant at Bosman van Zaal
With my cultivation knowledge gained in the past, I advise/help people/clients so that they arrive at the right choices for their future cultivation facility
Mikhail Sagal
Mikhail Sagal
President of TSRgrow
For 15 years, Mikhail Sagal has been on the forefront of innovative LED and cultivation technology solutions that maximize consistent quality yields. With a commitment to sustainability and cGMP standards, he has led TSRgrow to be a global leader in solutions that include advanced LED lighting, remote power, master recipes & comprehensive data & analytics.
Adi Rozenfeld
Adi Rozenfeld
Partner at Herzog Fox & Neeman
Adi provides legal consultation in corporate law and M&A, with expertise in the cannabis sector. She advises companies at all stages of production and supply, handling licenses, compliance, corporate matters, and strategic partnerships. Adi supports local and global clients in corporate transactions and collaborations. She also lectures on cannabis law at various universities in Israel and speaks at industry events. Previously, Adi worked at Ernst & Young, managing employee benefits and tax arrangements.
Borys Danevych [Moderator]
Borys Danevych [Moderator]
Partner at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang
Borys Danevych, Partner at CMS Ukraine, leads the Life Sciences & Healthcare practices with over 18 years of experience. He advises pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies on regulatory, compliance, IP, and commercial matters. Recognized by Best Lawyers 2022 and Legal 500, he co-chairs the Healthcare Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce and advises the European Business Association in Ukraine. Borys has participated in numerous regulatory working groups and was a member of the Public Control Council of the National Health Service of Ukraine (2020-2023).
Hanna Hlushchenko
Hanna Hlushchenko
CEO & Founder of Ukrainian Cannabis Consulting Group
I have more than 6 years of experience in the medical cannabis space.I coordinated the process of getting a license in Portugal and selling cannabis flowers to Europe. Now I focuses on developing the Ukrainian market by implementing the European experience of regulating the medical cannabis industry.
Leon J. Braun
Leon J. Braun
Managing Director at alephSana
Our society needs holistic therapeutic approaches that harness the power of natural active ingredients. I strive to take one step in the right direction every day to help make this vision a reality.
Lisa Katharina Haag [Moderator]
Lisa Katharina Haag [Moderator]
Managing Partner at MJ Universe GmbH, Publisher at krautinvest.de
Lisa Haag, an entrepreneur in the German cannabis industry, founded MJ Universe GmbH in Berlin in 2018 as a digital strategy and consulting agency. She advocates especially for the medical use of cannabis, its normalization into the mainstream, and for social justice reform. Haag is active on the board of BvCW e.V. and in the leadership team of the EmpowHer Cannabis Society.
Niels Lutzhöft
Niels Lutzhöft
Partner Bird & Bird LLP
Dr. Niels Lutzhöft LL.M. (Columbia) is an IP partner at Bird & Bird LLP, providing strategic advice and litigation for companies in Life Sciences and Digital Media sectors, focusing on the intersection of IP and sector-specific regulation. He represents food, tobacco, pharmaceutical, and supplement manufacturers in competitive and administrative disputes over product communication, advertising, and claims. His expertise includes advising and litigating in medical cannabis and CBD. He assists cannabis companies entering the German market, in court cases on product and medical advertising law, and in proceedings and negotiations with regulatory authorities.
Nikita Cretu
Nikita Cretu
Co-found & Chief Operations Officer of Lumino
Nikita Cretu, Co-founder and COO of Lumino, a key player in HR consultancy & recruitment for the European Cannabis Industry. With a rich background in cannabis-related consulting across Europe Nikita has leveraged his and the team's passion and expertise to position Lumino at the forefront of building successful teams for the industry's leading medical and recreational companies and brands. From establishing the teams for the first medical clinics in the UK to securing and staffing out significant cultivation licenses throughout Europe and beyond.
Thomas Hauk
Thomas Hauk
Founder of Hauk Consultancy
Thomas Hauk is an entrepreneur and consultant with over 10 years of experience in the Medtech industry. He co-founded a medical cannabis company in 2019 and has been an active member of the BvCW. As an advocate for legalization and an activist with the DHV, he has been involved in the legislative process. He has also worked in the pharmaceutical wholesale industry for medical cannabis.
Vanessa Kulik
Vanessa Kulik
Founder of Akademio – Educational Center and Business Solutions
I am a graduate economist and started working in the field of prevention 12 years ago and trained as an addiction counselor. Since then, I have been advising companies, training employees on this topic and carrying out projects at schools and training centers to educate younger people on the topic.
David A. Culver
David A. Culver
Senior Vice President & Public Affairs at United States Cannabis Council, Washington, DC USA
David Culver is the SVP of Public Affairs at the US Cannabis Council with over 25 years of experience in global strategies for trade associations and regulated industries like cannabis and alcohol. He previously led global government relations at Canopy Growth and played key roles in USCC and DISCUS, including passing the Craft Beverage Modernization & Tax Reform Act.
Ben Niehaus
Ben Niehaus
Managing Director of SpexAI GmbH
Ben Niehaus, founder of SpexAI GmbH, pioneers controlled environment agriculture (CEA) with over 10 years in digital phenotyping. He led projects like the world's largest agricultural robot. At SpexAI, he revolutionizes cannabis cultivation with AI and spectral imaging, boosting plant health, yield, and sustainability.
Rob Perry
Rob Perry
Vice President Business Development of GrowerIQ
Rob has over 20 years of experience in driving operational efficiency. After working with leading financial institutions, he transitioned to the medical cannabis industry in Canada. At GrowerIQ, Rob helped grow the company into one of the largest cannabis software platforms, addressing regulatory, informational, and operational challenges for producers worldwide.
Torsten Schober
Torsten Schober
Research Associate & PhD Candidate at the University of Hohenheim, Department of Crop Science
Originally trained viticulturist and winemaker with several years of industry experience. Now a research associate in the research group at the University of Hohenheim with a focus on modeling approaches to describe the growth of cannabis in indoor cultivation.
Aleksandra Vujinović
Aleksandra Vujinović
Attorney at Law & Founding Partner at Lito Law Academy GmbH
Aleksandra Vujinovic is an attorney specializing in cannabis law, as well as corporate and commercial law. She advises companies and investors on (inter)national transactions and is a Founding Partner of the Lito Law Academy, where she teaches about the establishment and operation of cannabis clubs.
Jon Robson
Jon Robson
CEO of Mamedica Limited
CEO and founder of MAMEDICA®, a clinic and pharmacy for cannabis-based medicines, and CLEARLEAF®, a startup for cannabis-derived products. With 18 years in financial markets, I traded for Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, UBS, and Berkshire Hathaway subsidiaries. From 2011-2020, I traded equity derivatives at Sunrise Brokers, boosting revenue before its sale to BGC Partners.
Josh Normanton
Josh Normanton
Barrister at Trinity Chambers
Josh is a sought-after advocate in high-profile, complex cases, specializing in criminal, regulatory, disciplinary, and financial services law. He handles serious crime cases involving violence, sex, and drugs, and financial crime cases like multi-million-pound frauds. He advises on regulatory issues in transactions, provides strategic advice to individuals, and guides on licensing in novel food and legal cannabis markets. Josh joined Trinity in 2022, practicing on the North-East Circuit.
Nick Kenny
Nick Kenny
Company Director of Kenny Business Solutions Ltd
Nick is an experienced strategic advisor, specialising in advising large corporations, investment funds and early stage businesses on navigating and entry into evolving highly regulated markets, such as the tobacco, cannabis, nootropics and psychedelic industries.
Robert Jappie [Moderator]
Robert Jappie [Moderator]
Partner at Fieldfisher LLP
I am a Partner in Fieldfisher’s Regulatory Group. I specialise in Life Sciences Regulation for the UK and Europe, providing advice and representation to a range of nascent industries in the Life Sciences sector. I have a particular focus on Cannabis Regulation, Food/Agri-Tech and Healthcare.
Farida Hussain [Moderator]
Farida Hussain [Moderator]
International Sales Manager - Europe at Pipp Horticulture
Farida has been in the cannabis industry for 6 years and has learned the intricacies of culture and trends regarding medical cannabis and emerging markets within Europe.
Jillian Reddish
Jillian Reddish
Co-Founder of Global Cannabis Network Collective (GCNC)
Jill Reddish is the co-founder of Project Evolve and the Global Cannabis Network Collective, a private executive network for leaders of multinational cannabis and hemp companies. An award-winning communications strategist, she previously worked with MJBiz to establish MJBizCon as the global leader in industry connectivity.
Kate Holste
Kate Holste
Head of International Sales at Boveda
In her 9 years at Boveda, Kate has spent the last 7 years growing Boveda's international business in both cannabis and tobacco. She has achieved a presence in over 115 countries - with no signs of stopping. Also an active member of the EmpowHer Cannabis Society.
Michael Sassano
Michael Sassano
Founder & interim CEO of SOMAÍ Pharmaceuticals
Michael Sassano is one of the most respected executives in the medicinal cannabis space. He is celebrated in mainstream business and biopharma media as an international authority on developing large-scale cannabis infrastructures worldwide and the most advanced pharmaceutical cannabinoid products.
Michael Steinmetz
Michael Steinmetz
Founder & Chief Servant Officer at Flow Kana & Flow Konnect
Flow Kana was the #1 Sungrown flower brand of CA. A pioneer in the Sungrow/regenerative movement raising +$200M and creating the world’s largest cannabis campus for processing and mid supply chain centralized services- Flow Cannabis Institute. Now expanding with products and services to the EU and the larger global market.
Alexander Rieg
Alexander Rieg
Consultant & Owner AR Pharma Consulting
With more than 20 years of experience in healthcare management, I was one of the first entrepreneurs in Germany to set up a wholesale business for medical cannabis in 2017. Since 2020, I’ve been advising pharmaceutical and healthcare companies as an independent consultant on regulatory, sales and market-related topics and have held various management positions.
Alisia Ratliff
Alisia Ratliff
Operational Director & Global Business Unit Head KD Phyto GmbH
We serve the German cannabis industry as a cannabinoid ingredient manufacturer, offering services like extraction, distribution, and product development. Alisia Ratliff, a biotech and cannabis executive with 15+ years of experience, specializes in chemistry, project management, and operations. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, she is a trusted authority on sustainability and innovation.
Lily Temperton [Moderator]
Lily Temperton [Moderator]
Partner at Tocar Advisors
Lily is a UK-based international cannabis analyst and advisor. As Partner at Tocar Advisors, she provides strategic guidance to mainstream firms, investors and entrepreneurs, with a particular interest in next-gen products and cannabis consumer culture. She has authored multiple widely referenced industry reports.
Rui Soares
Rui Soares
CEO of Paralab Green
Rui Soares is the founder and CEO of Paralab, which has been providing cutting-edge instrumentation solutions for over 30 years. Paralab’s new cannabis-specific division, Paralab Green, offers EU-GMP compliant solutions for all cannabis processing stages. ISO9001:2015 certified, Paralab ensures high-quality standards and customer satisfaction. It holds an EU-GMP lab certification and a recent R&D license for cannabis.
Amber Lengacher
Amber Lengacher
Cannabis Business Attorney at Kight Law Office, PC
Amber D. Lengacher began her cannabis law journey in 2016 while in law school. She worked at Vicente LLP, serving cannabis and hemp clients in licensing, compliance, and corporate governance. In 2020, Amber joined Trulieve Cannabis Corp., aiding in a historic merger. She founded her consulting firm, Purple Circle, in 2022, focusing on equity and accessibility in emerging industries.
Marie Sanchez [Moderator]
Marie Sanchez [Moderator]
Lawyer & Founder Nooa Avocats
Marie Sanchez is a lawyer at the Bars of Paris and Quebec. After starting her career in Singapore with a large pharmaceutical group, she worked for nearly 10 years in international law firms before founding NOOA Avocats. She specializes in life sciences regulation, therapeutic cannabis, and well-being hemp. Marie regularly participates in training and conferences globally. She holds a Master II in Health Industry Law from the University of Montpellier I and an ESSEC-Mannheim Executive MBA.
Vojtěch Sucharda
Vojtěch Sucharda
Partner at Arrows ETL Global
Vojtech Sucharda specializes in intellectual property law, IT, and trademarks. He represents clients in litigation, arbitration, and insolvency proceedings. As a senior associate at ARROWS International and Head of Legal Practice at ETL Global, he leads an international network providing legal services across Europe. An expert on Czech cannabis regulation, he advises on M&A transactions, lottery law, and the tobacco industry. He holds an ILEC certificate from Cambridge University and studied European and international law at the Hague Hoge School.
Maren Krings
Maren Krings
Photographer, Climate Impact Storyteller
Maren Krings is a Climate Impact Storyteller leveraging her expertise in photography, content writing, and keynote speaking to highlight the potential of hemp for climate resilience and social justice.
Chris Murray
Chris Murray
Director of FoxNRTH Inc
Chris Murray ist Gründer und Leiter der Beratungsgruppe FoxNRTH Inc. Er gründete das Unternehmen im Jahr 2020, nachdem er die vorangegangenen sieben Jahre damit verbracht hatte, Canopy Growth Corp aufzubauen und Teil des Gründungsteams zu sein. Im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre hat Chris in oder mit Unternehmen in allen wichtigen aktiven Cannabis-Regionen der Welt gearbeitet.
Deepak Anand [Moderator]
Deepak Anand [Moderator]
Principal at ASDA Consultancy Services
Deepak Anand is a distinguished thought leader and expert in the global cannabis industry. He engages with senior government officials, policymakers, investors, and leading producers worldwide. As founder of a boutique consulting firm, he provides tailored services to international governments, regulators, and major entities in CPG, beverages, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and tobacco sectors. Anand holds influential positions on industry boards and pharmaceutical associations across Canada, the U.S., and Europe. He has served as the founder and executive director of the Canadian National Medical Marijuana Association and held leadership roles, including CEO and Director, in various cannabis companies. With an MBA from Vancouver Island University, Anand actively participates in boards of not-for-profit organizations, advocacy groups, and patient initiatives, enhancing his global impact as a social media influencer.
Omar Khan
Omar Khan
Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer at High Tide Inc.
Omar is a seasoned cannabis industry expert with over 20 years of experience in political and communications strategy. He previously led the National Cannabis Sector at a global communications firm, working with producers and retailers to influence policy. Omar has served as Chief of Staff to multiple Ontario Ministers.
William Muecke
William Muecke
Co-founder & Managing Member of Artemis Growth Partners
Will Muecke is a co-founder and managing member of Artemis Growth Partners, an ESG-focused private equity firm investing exclusively in the global cannabis industry. Artemis oversees $400M in assets across the cannabis value chain. Will has a background in impact investing and healthcare banking and is now CIO of Artemis, based in London.
Bijan Christoph Hezarkhani [Moderator]
Bijan Christoph Hezarkhani [Moderator]
Founder & Consultant of BCH Consulting
Bijan has worked for Canopy Growth and Khiron Life Sciences in the past and now consults cannabis businesses on market entry and commercial strategy. As a certified pharmaceutical consultant he has had countless interactions with physicians, pharmacists and patients and now focuses on leveraging education and data analytics to increase access to cannabinoid medicines. His company BCH Consulting works across a number of industries including Pharma, Cannabis, Health Tech, FMCG and more. Specialising in business scaling and international expansion, BCH Consulting seeks to improve commercial efficiency by achieving harmony between sales, marketing and CRM/data analytics strategies.
Marcel Riggs
Marcel Riggs
Director Business Development Europe at Aurora Europe
Based in Germany, Marcel Riggs, is the Business Development Lead for Aurora in Europe. As a specialist in consumer goods sales, he is growing the markets outside of Germany for one of the most profitable cannabis companies in the world.
Philipp Goebel
Philipp Goebel
Managing Director of Demecan
The Doctor of Business Administration in Supply Chain Management brings extensive marketing and sales experience in the pharmaceutical sector to the Saxon cannabis specialist. Previously leading Merck's Neurology & Immunology Business Unit and with oncology experience, he managed Bertelsmann's German After Sales for telecom customers. At DEMECAN, he will apply his expertise in advanced supply chain management and digitalization.
Šárka Betke
Šárka Betke
Commercial Director at SensiQure
Šárka Betke, is an entrepreneur and commercial strategist who led sales teams at various tech firms before founding a wine distribution business in 2020. Currently as a Commercial Director at SensiQure, she drives the company's strategy and growth in the medical cannabis sector.
Sascha Mielcarek
Sascha Mielcarek
CEO of Canify AG
25 years of leadership experience in international healthcare industry with far-reaching operational expertise and a strong track record in the cannabis industry, previously leading Tilray to market leadership in Europe. Within a year, developed Canify into a profitable cannabis company, entering the Top10 in Germany.
Thomas Ahlberg
Thomas Ahlberg
Director of Strategy at Cantourage Group SE
After various cannabis cultivation site design, construction and ramp-up projects in North America, Thomas was head of planning and construction of the largest German cannabis GMP production facility. He developed multiple plant-touching US and German cannabis companies in pivotal management roles.
Jason Moscovici [Moderator]
Jason Moscovici [Moderator]
Founder & President of Provisions Legal Services Inc.
Jason Moscovici is a lawyer, biochemist, and founder of Provisions Legal Services, a Canadian firm specializing in regulated industries. He focuses on intellectual property and regulatory compliance in cannabis, pharmaceuticals, and related sectors. Jason is a trusted legal advisor in the international cannabis industry.
Shane Pennington
Shane Pennington
Partner at Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
Shane, a partner in the Litigation Department, advises on federal regulatory issues in energy, pharmaceuticals, controlled substances, aviation, and agriculture. A former federal law clerk, he is recognized as a “Rising Star” in appellate law. Shane has argued landmark cases and litigates involving the Administrative Procedure Act, Controlled Substances Act, and FDA regulations. He collaborates with regulators for innovative solutions and publishes extensively on administrative law and drug policy.
Spiros Malandrakis
Spiros Malandrakis
Head of Research – Alcoholic drinks and Cannabis at Euromonitor International
Spiros has been a pioneering, authoritative and irreverent voice within the Alcohol and Cannabis industries for the past 2 decades , providing insights for key players and the person of contact for numerous leading media publications
Bill Purves
Bill Purves
Chief Commercial Officer at Brains Bioceutical Corp
Experienced commercial executive with over 25 years in global biopharmaceutical and medical cannabis industries. Senior roles at GSK, including CFO of Sub-Saharan Africa and Executive Director of Business Development (International Region). Co-founder of a pharma development company.
Ilias Manolopoulos
Ilias Manolopoulos
Managing Director UK & Germany of Therakann Pharmaceuticals
Mr Ilias Manolopoulos has a 10-year experience in the retail, mechanical and engineering industry. The last 5 years he was acting as an Operations Manager with a focus in Purchasing, Quality, Production Planning and Systems. He also has additional skills in budgeting, business planning and cash flow forecasting.
Nadine Herwig
Nadine Herwig
Head of Grünhorn Academy
Dr. rer. nat. Nadine Herwig is a biochemist and the head of the Grünhorn Academy. With over a decade of experience, she has held roles at the Cannabis Group Grünhorn and Drug Approval Specialist at Abanta Pharma GmbH. Previously, she taught biology and chemistry and worked as a Research Scientist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. An esteemed researcher in terpenes, Dr. Herwig recently published a paper on the reclassification of cannabis.
Nicole Besse
Nicole Besse
Commercial Director at Tilray Deutschland GmbH
Nicole Besse is the Commercial Director Germany at Tilray, a leading global cannabis company. With extensive pharmaceutical experience, she specializes in expanding brands in emerging markets. At Tilray, she drives commercial initiatives in Germany, a key medical cannabis market. As a speaker at Mary Jane 2024, Nicole will share insights on the German medical cannabis market and Tilray's role in shaping its future.
Aron Byrne-Carter
Aron Byrne-Carter
Director at NGP Trends
Aron is an NGP expert and through his company NGP Trends provides businesses with technical insights and product development support in the vape, heated tobacco, and nicotine sectors. Through monthly reports, consulting, and workshops, he helps clients take concepts to volume manufacturing, unlocking consumer value from technology benefits.
Georgia Glick [Moderator]
Georgia Glick [Moderator]
Partner at Tocar Strategic Advisors
Georgia specialises in commercial strategy and investor relations. As partner at Tocar Strategic Advisors, Georgia plays a crucial role in conducting due diligence on potential investments and acquisitions for Tocar’s clients. Georgia’s considerable knowledge of the cannabis sector, spanning medical, CBD and recreational cannabis, has led her to establish a strong global network. Leveraging these valuable connections, she excels at forging strategic partnerships and facilitating fruitful collaborations for her clients. Alongside her role at Tocar, Georgia also acts as a portfolio manager for an international family office.
Hari Guliani
Hari Guliani
Co-founder of GSQ Trading
Hari is co-founder of GSQ, a wholesaler of high quality hardware in the U.K. and beyond. GSQ is the exclusive U.K. authorised distributor of ACTIVE (formerly AVD). Previously, Hari introduced the first U.K. manufactured THC vape for the medical market at Columbia Care.
Tim Matthews
Tim Matthews
CEO of Curb Living
Tim Matthews, CEO of CURB, is a visionary leader with 30 years of innovative expertise. Under his guidance, CURB is pioneering next-generation products and leveraging cannabis industry insights to redefine reduced-risk vaping technology.
Giacomo Bulleri
Giacomo Bulleri
Lawyer & Advisor at Studio Legale Bulleri
Giacomo Bulleri is a civil lawyer specializing in corporate, commercial, and real estate law. He is a delegate for real estate sales at the Court of Livorno and an arbitrator at the Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce. An expert in industrial and therapeutic cannabis, he helped draft Law 242/2016 and consults for Federcanapa and other companies. He serves on the EIHA advisory board and has spoken at numerous cannabis regulation conferences.
Guillermo Fernández Navarro
Guillermo Fernández Navarro
CEO of Soriano Fernandez Abogado, SLP
Founder and CEO of S&F Abogados in Madrid, Guillermo specializes in the cannabis industry. For over 10 years, he has defended cannabis growers, producers, clubs, grow shops, and seed banks. He advises on CBD and THC sales in Spain and Europe and assists in obtaining licenses for medical cannabis and extraction. Guillermo also advocates for cannabis use, collaborating with national organizations.
Ohad Kiperstok [Moderator]
Ohad Kiperstok [Moderator]
Partner at Angel, Kiperstok y Asociados
He is a lawyer and founding partner of the firm, specializing in commercial, banking, civil, and criminal litigation in the Accusatory Criminal System. He focuses on commercial law, corporate law, asset protection, Private Interest Foundations, and Public Limited Companies. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law and Political Sciences from ISAE University and is an active member of the National Bar Association.
Ricardo Omar Almanza
Ricardo Omar Almanza
CEO & International Business Developer at 420 Latam Anutea
Since 2018, I've been an entrepreneur in the cannabis field in Mexico, US, and Colombia. I have degrees in International Trade (UVA) and Law (ULA), and have completed a Cannabis Management course (KPU) Vancouver, indigenous advisor in Mexico and wrote "Hablemos de Marihuana." (let's talk about Marihuana)
Susanne Pech
Susanne Pech
Counsel | Attorney at CMS Hasche Sigle
Life science lawyer Susanne Pech advises pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer goods companies on unfair competition, advertising (Heilmittelwerbegesetz), product liability, and medical law. She represents clients in court and handles regulatory issues related to medical/recreational cannabis and CBD products.
Armin Prasch
Armin Prasch
CEO of Trias Pharma GmbH, Board Member of BvCW
Having more than 25 years of experience in the development of pharmaceutical products, Dr. Armin Prasch is committed to securing and developing the potential of cannabis-based medicinal products for medical applications for the benefit of patients. He is a founding and board member of the BvCW, responsible for the ‘Medicinal Cannabis working-group´ and a member of the DPhG's ‘Medicinal Cannabis’ expert group. Armin Prasch is CEO of Trias Pharma GmbH.
Carsten Elfering
Carsten Elfering
Official cannabis patient since 2009, ACM certified consultant for cannabis-based medications
Carsten Elfering is an official BfArM-approved cannabis patient since 2009, an ACM-certified consultant for cannabis-based medications, and a passionate gardener. From 2005 to 2021, he served as a board member of the Association for Cannabis as Medicine (ACM). In 2006, he co-founded the Self-Help Network Cannabis Medicine (SCM), Germany's largest and oldest cannabis patient association, and served as the patient liaison for ACM/SCM.
Thorsten Tuschy
Thorsten Tuschy
Pharmacist at Apotheke LUX 99
Dr. Thorsten Tuschy was licensed as a pharmacist in 2013 and completed his doctorate at the Institute of Pharmacology at the University Hospital Cologne in 2016. He has been working in the cannabis department of Apotheke LUX 99 in Hürth since 2020, where he is responsible for the medical-scientific department and for internal and external training.
Alfredo Pascual
Alfredo Pascual
Director of Investment Research at Seed Innovations Ltd (LON:SEED)
Based in Germany, Alfredo Pascual, CFA, is Director of Investment Research at SEED Innovations, a London’s AIM-quoted company known for its investments and successful exits in the European medical cannabis space. As a highly specialized cannabis industry analyst, Alfredo has established himself as a trusted authority in the field. Before joining SEED, he worked as international analyst for MJBizDaily, a leading business news and analysis resource for the cannabis industry.
Farida Hussain
Farida Hussain
International Sales Manager - Europe at Pipp Horticulture
Farida has been in the cannabis industry for 6 years and has learned the intricacies of culture and trends regarding medical cannabis and emerging markets within Europe.

Speakers - CB Expo Dortmund, 19 – 21 September 2024


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